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1st Grade

Courses & Curriculum

English Language Arts

Reading Wonders (McGraw Hill)

1. Reading at DRA level 18 by end of the year. That is equivalent to a Guided Reading level of I or Level J.
2. Recognizes punctuation in reading, and reads with expression.
3. Can read high frequency words with 90% accuracy.
4. Shows comprehension of a story by:

  • a. Retelling the story
    b. Identifying the main idea
    c. Know the story structures-characters, settings, problems, solutions, (or beginning middle, and end of the story).

5. Comprehends nonfiction texts, and differentiates between fiction/nonfiction.
6. When reading, students can:

  • a. Use initial letters as a clue to decode
    b. Use knowledge of common letter patterns
    c. Use parts of words to decode
    d. Use blending to decode
    e. Use word segmentation and syllabication


Writing Expectations:

1. Upper and lower case letters are not intermixed. Uses letters at the appropriate times.
2. Can write a minimum of 5 sentences about a specific topic.
3. Can illustrate writing.
4. Uses correct punctuation in writing.
a. Ends sentence with correct punctuation mark-like periods, question marks, or exclamation marks.
b. Begins sentence with a capital letter.
5. Writes a complete sentence.
6. Spells frequently used words, such as high frequency words taught with 90% accuracy.


My Math (McGraw-Hill)

1. Count to 110 by 1’s
2. Count back from 100
3. Identify, compare, and order numbers 1-100
4. Can use a number line to add and subtract whole numbers.
5. Skip count by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s using a number grid/hundreds chart.
6. Understand place value in 2-digit numbers (ones and tens).
7. Can read double-digit numbers up to 100.
8. Write any numbers from 0-20 correctly.
9. Read and analyze bar graphs.
10. Tell time to the nearest half hour on a digital and analog clock.
11. Measure to the nearest inch when using a ruler.
12. Know the days of the week and months of the year.
13. Describes attributes of shapes.
14. Complete a given pattern (e.g., begin with the number 15, and skip count by 5’s)


Scott Foresman

Physical Science:
Forces in Motion
-Understand how forces (pushes or pulls) affect the motion of an object
-Explain the importance of a push or pull to changing the motion of an object
-Explain how some forces (pushes and pulls) can be used to make things move without touching them, such as magnets.

Earth Science:
Earth in the Universe
-Recognize the features and patterns of the earth/moon/sun system as observed from Earth

Earth Systems, Structures and Processes
-Understand the physical properties of Earth materials that make them useful in different ways.

Life Science:
Understand characteristics of various environments and behaviors of humans that enable plants and animals to survive.

Life Science
Summarize the needs of living organisms for energy and growth

14. Complete a given pattern (e.g., begin with the number 15, and skip count by 5’s)


Social Studies
My World (McGraw Hill)

In First grade, students continue their study of the United States history through the contributions of notable historic figures. In the civics strand the student will learn characteristics and responsibilities of good citizenship. In the geography strand students explore basic geographic concepts. The economic strand continues the development of understanding basic economic concepts. The Social Studies Process and Literacy Skills (PALS) are to be integrated throughout the Grade 1 content standards and methods of instructional delivery.


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