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Community Service Volunteer Form

Peace Academy

Community Service/Volunteer Work FAQs

What is the process to report completed Community Service/Volunteer Work?

  • Students can pick up copies of the community service volunteer form from the “Community Service Binder” in the office. A soft copy of the form can also be requested via email. Completed forms must be returned to the binder or scanned and emailed to

  • Peace Academy also accepts certificates from organizations where students volunteer. The certificates must indicate total hours volunteered as well as the organization's name, description of community service completed and the date(s) the work was completed.

  • Direct emails to the office from the attending supervisor indicating aforementioned information is also accepted.


What is the process if the opportunity of service is offered through a third party?

  • The third party service must be from an approved form of organization (see examples below).

  • The students may use the above mentioned methods to submit the community service volunteer hours completed with a third party.


Who can be appointed as a supervisor for a third party opportunity?

  • The supervisor could be anyone who is in charge of or oversees the community service project.

  • Supervisor who signs the paperwork cannot be related to the volunteer.


What other information should students know to start serving the required Community Service/Volunteer Work?

  • High school students are required to complete 40 community service hours per year attended at Peace Academy. A minimum of 160 hours must be met in order to graduate.

  • Students can start submitting these hours as early as the summer after completing 8th grade.

  • All hours volunteered must be submitted within the week they are worked unless the community service/volunteer work is monthly.


Examples of approved and non-approved community service opportunities:

  • Students can volunteer at any non-profit organization such as Peace Academy, Masjid, Surayya Anne Foundation, Library, Up With Trees, Food Banks, Homeless Shelters, Nursing Homes, Hospitals, etc.

  • Students cannot submit hours volunteered for family members or hours worked conducting personal favors such as babysitting, running errands, mowing a yard, helping someone move, working at a family business, etc.

Community Service Volunteer Form

Only a Peace Academy teacher or an authorized individual may

sign as a supervisor. All fields are required.


NOTE: All community hours must be submitted weekly unless the service is monthly.


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