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Drug & Alcohol Test Consent Form

Peace Academy

6th - 12th Grade Students

I/We have read and understand the Peace Academy School Substance Abuse Policy and acknowledge that the school implements drug and/or alcohol testing as part of its commitment to uphold this policy.

As parent(s)/guardian(s), I/we understand that the at least once during the academic year, school will request a hair sample of each Peace Academy student in grades 6-12, including transfer students, for the purpose of drug and/or alcohol screening. In cases where there is insufficient hair for sampling, fingernails or saliva sample will be used temporarily until arrangements can be made for hair collection. I/we consent to our son/daughter providing a sample when requested.

As a student, I acknowledge that the school will request a hair sample from me for the purpose of drug and/or alcohol screening. In cases where there is insufficient hair for sampling, fingernails or saliva sample will be used temporarily until arrangements can be made for hair collection. I agree to provide a sample when requested.

I/We authorize the designated school administrators, as specified in the Peace Academy Substance Abuse Policy, to access my son’s/daughter’s test results from the drug testing company.

We authorize Peace Academy to conduct drug and/or alcohol testing in accordance with the school’s Substance Abuse Policy. And hereby release and indemnify Peace Academy School and its Board of Trustees, staff, employees, agents, and representatives from any and all liability, claims, damages, and costs that may arise from any actions taken as a result of son’s/daughter’s drug testing.

We understand that declining to sign this consent form renders a student ineligible for enrollment at Peace Academy School.

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