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Studying Online


K - 12

Transitioning to Online Learning

  • Information

  • Requirements

  • Support

Assalamu Alaykum wa rahamtullahi wa barakaatuh

Although we are in the midst of challenging times due to the COVID-19 epidemic, Allah (SWT) has allowed us the opportunity to take a step away from our busy lives to appreciate the blessings He has given all of us. May Allah (SWT) protect us all and grant us patience, wisdom, and ease during this time, ameen.


As you may be aware, recently, the Oklahoma State Department of Education declared the closure of all Oklahoma school buildings for the remainder of the school year. As a result, Peace Academy will also be closing the building and offering an exciting new Online Learning Program to provide a productive and enriching educational experience to all of our students, for the remainder of the school year, inshaAllah.


The Peace faculty have been attending intensive professional training sessions to prepare for the transition to online learning. Peace Academy will be utilizing Google Classroom, and Zoom to facilitate the teaching and learning process over the next two months inshaAllah. It will be extremely important for parents and students to check and promptly respond to communication from the school faculty and staff.


school form home
Sign Language

In order to facilitate the best transition to online learning, parents, students, and faculty will need to work together in a spirit of cooperation inshAllah. Peace Academy will require each family to make sure that each child in the family has the necessary equipment/resources to gain the most benefit from their online learning experience. Please review the important information provided below:



a)  Books

All student textbooks have been placed inside of the student lockers for pickup. Most students were able to take them home before Spring Break. If your child needs any materials from their locker they may contact Mrs. Didway in the school office at 918-627-1040 or to arrange for material pickup.


b)  Laptop/Desktop

Each student in grades 6-12 will need a laptop/desktop to participate in their LIVE classes with their teachers. Elementary students will also benefit from having their own laptop/desktop.

Peace Academy has a limited number of laptops that can be loaned out to students for the remainder of the 4th quarter. Please contact Mrs. Didway in the school office at 918-627-1040 or to sign-out a laptop.


c)  Webcam

Students will need to have access to a webcam. Most laptops and monitors have webcams built-in to the monitor. Portable webcams can be purchased from Wal-Mart, Best-Buy, or Amazon.


d)  Headsets with microphone

Students will be speaking to the teacher and to classmates in live, real-time classes for the remainder of the year. In order to have the best audio experience for the student and the class, EVERY student MUST have a headset with microphone in order to participate in the LIVE Zoom classes. These may be purchased from Wal-Mart, Best-Buy, or Amazon.


e)  Workstation

Each student should have a designated place to work and attend class that is quiet and free from distraction.


Computer Screen Closeup
Notebook and Fountain Pen

Online Learning Consent Form

Our new Online Learning Environment will often necessitate individual interactions between students and teachers by email, Google Classroom, and Zoom web conferencing platforms. In order for any student to participate in LIVE classes next week every parent and student (6-12th grades) will be required to read and respond to our Online Learning Consent Form (OLC). If we do not receive a completed OLC form by Monday, 3/30/2020, it will be understood that full consent has been granted according to the terms and conditions outlined on the form. Your prompt cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated, inshaAllah.


Each Though online, students are still expected to abide by the school guidelines and expectations as detailed by the Peace Academy Student Handbook (available at All student communications across our virtual learning platforms will be monitored by our teachers and administrators.


We commend our innovative and committed teachers for dedicating countless hours to create strong, engaging learning activities for our students and helping Peace Academy to be among the leaders (among K-12 schools) in dealing with the present crisis in our region. Despite a rapidly changing situation, they remain focused and ready to support our students in any way possible! Our parent community has been equally amazing, as we have been overwhelmed by your gratitude, flexibility, generosity, and positive spirit – please know that your sentiments and support are appreciated by all of us. A special note of gratitude to the PTO who quickly delivered the support we needed to secure our new school Zoom subscriptions that enable us to have LIVE classes in real time.


StudentsWe will be sending more details and information about scheduling for secondary classes soon inshaAllah. If you have any questions or need any clarifications please call the office at 918-627-1040 between 8am-4pm Monday-Friday and/or email:


Tech Support

Parents can reach out to their homeroom teachers or the following staff members:

Parents can seek assistance in accessing or troubleshooting any issues with Google Sites, Google Classrooms, and Zoom, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday (inshaAllah).


Online Class
Recording a Class

Office (Welcome Center)

The front office will be open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm to arrange for picking up books and supplies and/or to sign up for a loaner laptop.


May Allah swt help bless our exciting new online learning experience, facilitate ease and patience through our difficulties, and increase our imaan as we strive to build a generation of Balanced Muslim American Citizens, ameen.


Jazakum Allahu khairan

Peace Academy Administration

(Principal Hamdan, Principal Agha, Director Nuredin, Dean Arastu)


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