English Language Arts
Reading Wonders (McGraw Hill)
- Key details and main ideas
- Character, setting, events, plot
- Ask and answer questions
- Make, confirm, revise predictions
- Plot sequence
- Cause and effect
- Summarize
- Point of view
- Fluency (phrasing, intonation, expression)
- Two-syllable words
- Prefixes/suffixes
- Inflectional endings
- Inferencing
- Spelling of on-level sight word
- Writing a letter
- Understanding different types of texts (opinion, narrative, informative/explanatory pieces)
- Understanding genres (fables, fiction/nonfiction, fantasy, informational)
- Comparing/contrasting
- Understanding main purpose of a text (who, what, when, where, why, how)
- Story structure
- Sentence and paragraph structure (writing)
McGraw Hill My Math
- Addition and subtraction (2-digit, 3-digit, w/regrouping)
- Number patterns
- Place value to 1000
- Money
- Data analysis
- Time
- Customary and metric lengths
- Geometric shapes and equal shares
- Operations and algebraic thinking
- Number and operations in base ten
- Measurement and data
- Geometry
McGraw Hill Inspire Science
- Solids, liquids, gases
- Mixtures
- Temperature changes
- Oceans, freshwater
- Weathering and erosion
- Habitats (forests, grasslands, water habitats, deserts)
- Properties of matter
- Changes to matter
- Earth’s surface
- Earth’s surface changes
- Living things in habitats
- Plants and their needs
Social Studies
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
- Branches of government
- Community helpers
- Community members
- Reading a map
- Understanding landforms
- Special places in our country
- Biographies of influential Americans (Founding Fathers, Martin Luther King Jr., etc.)
- Being a good citizen
- Famous Americans
- Local and federal government
- Needs and wants
- Maps